Public Ginning in the Southwest

Clayton Lowder


What is good "grower" relations? Everyone on the panel today, regardless of his topic, will be discussing this subject. However, I believe that the most important factors are really what I hope each of us live by every day; i.e., 1) Honesty, 2) Integrity, and 3) Fairness.

Even though each of you probably knows more about this subject than I ever will, I will attempt to tell you what we do - which may be a little different. Please keep in mind that we are a public gin and we usually process around 5000 bales.

When I agreed to be on this panes, I asked several of our customers what they liked and disliked about our gin business. All of their dislikes were jokes (I hope) - 1) ginning too high, 2) speed too low, etc.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 420 - 421
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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