Estimated Losses from Bark in Cotton Lint, Texas High Plains

Don Ethridge and Jarral Neeper


The occurrence of bark in cotton across the U.S. cotton belt is examined and the problem in the Southwest, especially in the Texas High Plains, is documented. As a percentage of U.S. cotton reduced in grade due to bark, the Southwest region and High Plains area averaged about 76% and 46%, respectively, over the 18-year study period. Results indicate that the average annual losses are not large in relation to the total value of cotton produced; the estimated annual loss averaged about 1%. However, the annual variation is great, with the high annual loss over the time period being more than 3% of the value of the crop.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 305 - 308
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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