Cotton yield loss by weed genera (Table 1) acreage infested by weed genera (Table 2) herbicide use information (Table 3), and bales reduced for grass contamination (Table 4) are summarized for cotton producing states. It must be emphasized that all information, except for the grassy bale data, provided in this report are estimates made by scientists and coworkers in the respective states. none of this data has been authenticated. However, scientist in four acres of the Cotton belt are conducting field surveys to authenticate these estimates. Members of the cotton weed loss committee which provided information are listed below. Alabama - Mike Patterson Arizona - Stan Heathman Arkansas - Claude Bonner Florida - Barry Brecke Georgia - Charles W. Swann Louisiana - Dearl Sanders Mississippi - Wayne Houston Missouri - David R. Guethle North Carolina - Alan York New Mexico - Charles Glover Oklahoma - Howard Greer and N.B. Thomas South Carolina - E.C. Murdock Tennessee - Robert M. Hayes Texas - John Albernathy |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998