Evaluation of Multiple Early-Season Applications of Selected Insecticides on Cotton

M.F. Treacy, K.M. Schmidt, and J.H. Benedict


Several insecticides were compared at varying rates in small and large plot field studies for their effect on cotton fleahoppers, aphids, and yield. Insecticides evaluated in the large plot test were: Fundal, Payoff, and Larvin. Most materials and rates provided significant control of fleahoppers. Larvin at 0.125 lb (AI)/ac and Fundal at 0.25 lb (AT)/ac produced significantly higher yields than the untreated check. Treatments in the small plot study were: Karate, Cythion RTU, and Dyfonate MS. All treatments provided control of fleahoppers. Only Karate at 0.02 lb (Al)/ac and Dyfonate MS at 0.5 lb (AI)/ac controlled aphids. Karate was the only treatment with a significantly higher total yield compared to the untreated check.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 202 - 203
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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