Estimation of Losses Due to Seed and Seedling Diseases

John M. Halloin


Each year at these meetings we are presented with estimates of losses due to diseases in cotton. The mean values of these losses over a 30-year period (1952 through 1981) are presented in figure 1. Seedling diseases represent the largest estimated source of losses over this 30-year period; they were the leading source of losses in 13 of those 30 years. The questions I would like to address are: 1) what is the nature of these losses, 2) are we measuring or estimating the real losses, and 3) can these measurements be improved? Although I am dealing primarily with crop loss estimates, many of these evaluations can pertain also to estimates of fungicide efficacy.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1983 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference pp. 26 - 27
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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