Effects of Seven Granular And/Or Liquid Treatments on Stand Establishment and on Lint Yields of No-Tilled and Conventionally-Planted Cotton

P.E. Hoskinson, Albert Y. Chambers, and Gary L. Lentz


Lower soil temperatures encountered in no-tillage have suggested increased problems with obtaining a stand of healthy, vigorous cotton seedlings. Aciddelinted 'Stoneville 825' seed treated with Captan plus Vitavax were conventionally-planted and were no-tilled at the rate of 19.5 kilograms per hectare. Terraclor 100, Terraclor Super X 10-2.5G, Ridomil/PCNB 11G, Temik 15G, Temik TSX 5-10-2.5G, and Terraclor Super X with Di-Syston 6.5-1.63-6.5G, were applied in-furrow at planting. Shortly after emergence, plots receiving fungicides only were sprayed with Bidrin. All chemicals were applied at manufacturers' recommended rates.

Stand differences due to tillage and to chemicals were significant. Seedling vigor differences due to chemicals were significant. Tillage did not affect vigor ratings. Both chemical and tillage treatments significantly influenced seedling disease severity ratings. A significant tillage by chemical interaction indicated that some chemicals were more effective under no-tillage conditions than others.

Thrips numbers were significantly higher in plots that did not receive insecticides. Thrips populations were also higher in conventionally-planted plots than In plots that had been no-tilled.

Conventionally-planted Stoneville 825 cotton was earlier maturing and higher yielding than Stoneville 825 no-tilled into adjacent plots. Neither yield nor maturity was significantly influenced by the chemicals used in this study.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pg. 20
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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