Respiratory Parameters Which Characterize the Response of Guinea Pigs to Inhalation of Cotton Dust

Y. Alarie, M. Ellakkani, D. Weyel, and M. Karol


Measurements of pulmonary function were done in guinea pigs exposed to cotton dust. The method used permitted us to obtain characteristic breathing patterns which we classified as "obstruction", "restriction" or a mixture of both. Following a 6 hour exposure to cotton dust at 27 mg/m3, the pattern observed was restriction with obvious interruption of airflow. In 17 animals exposed at 21 mg/m3 of cotton dust 6 hours/day, 5 days/ week, we observed the following after 51 weeks of exposure: 4 animals were classified as presenting the obstruction pattern, 3 animals were classified as presenting the restriction pattern and 10 animals were classified as presenting a mixture of both patterns. Thus, both the acute and chronic effect of cotton dust were observed.

Reprinted from 1985 Proceedings: Ninth Cotton Dust Research Conference pp. 171 - 177
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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