Platelet Activating Factor in Alveolar Macrophages after Exposure to Standard Cotton Dust

Lena Beijer and Ragnar Rylander


In view of the potent bronchoconstrictive and inflammatory potency of platelet activating factor (PAF-acether), experiments were undertaken to study the presence of PAF-acether in free lung cells after exposure to cotton dust. Guinea pigs were exposed to airborne standard cotton dust at a concentration of 25-30 mg/m3 for 40 minutes. A lung lavage was performed at different times after the exposure and macrophages and neutrophils were separated and lysed. The lysate was analyzed for PAF-acether activity using serotonin release from rabbit platelets. An increased activity was found 2 hours after the exposure, which declined to zero within 4 hours after exposure.

Reprinted from 1985 Proceedings: Ninth Cotton Dust Research Conference pp. 160 - 162
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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