The Influence of Cropping Sequences on Population Levels of Meloidogyne incognita Host Races

T.L. Kirkpatrick and J.N. Sasser


The population dynamics of two host races of Meloidogyne icognita in response to various cropping sequences peanut, and soybean were studied in microplots tive seasons. Deltapine 16 cotton planted all tained a high population density of race 3 and significant yield suppression the third year. Race 1 populations, however, declined steadily to non-detectible levels during three years of cotton. Corn (Pioneer 3368A) included in rotations encouraged increases of both races. Corn grown either for two years or in a one year rotation with cotton (cotton-corn-cotton) supported population levels high enough to result in significant cotton yield suppression the third year. Racel populations did not significantly influence cotton yield regardless of the cropping sequence. Both peanut (Florigiant) and soybean (Forrest) suppressed populations of both host races.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1983 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference pg. 21
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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