White specks or non-dyeing fiber is a problem for textile mills. Some have advanced the theory that this problem has increased due to grower use of harvest aid chemicals that facilitate a once over harvest. A three year study using Acala SJ-2, GC-510, and Prema was designed to determine exactly how developed an individual ovule must be to produce fiber that accepts dye normally, and to determine where the non-dyeing fiber is produced on the plant. All bolls from 360 plants (2900 bolls) were evaluated by fruiting branch number and position on the fruiting branch. All seed cotton was carefully hand separated and weighed. Essentially no differences were noted between varieties or years for the distribution of yield according to seed cotton weight. Blue dye studies indicated poor uptake when the seed cotton weighed 80 mg per seed or less. No dye defects were noted when seed cotton weighed at least 220 mg per seed. Averaged over years and varieties, 3.1 percent of the total seed cotton weighed 80 mg or less while 64.8 weighed 220 mg or more. Position one on fruiting branches accounted for 69.2 percent of the total yield but only 16.8 of the problem fiber compared to position three which produced 6.4 percent of the yield and 56.5 percent of the problem fiber. The non-dyeing fiber came from position three of fruiting branches one to five and position two of fruiting branches one to three. These are not the late set bolls and they would not be affected by timing of harvest aid chemicals. These findings demonstrate a fundamental source to sink problem with our current varieties. These low outside bolls are not fully developed due to small leaf area of subtending leaves and a deteriorating light environment in these lower portions of the canopy before bolls are sufficiently developed.