A Comparison of Two Cottonseed Delinting Methods with Respect to Planting Seed Quality

D.H. Kattes, N.W. Hopper, and J.R. Gannaway


Cottonseed processed by conventional dry acid delinting and a new brush delinting method were compared. Brush delinted cottonseed exhibited more seed coat damage and for most cultivars studied generally imbibed water faster than acid delinted seed. During 1990, the acid delinted cultivars had higher cool germination test percentages than brush delinted seed; however, no differences were noted in 1991. In the field emergence percentage was greater for acid dolinted seed as compared to brush delinted seed in 1990 with no difference being noted during 1991.

Reprinted from 1993 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 1233 - 1236
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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