Four-Year Study of Pyrethroid Resistance in Tobacco Budworm Adults from the Yaqui Valley, Sonora, Mexico.

Jose L. Martinez-Carrillo


Monitoring of pyrethroid resistance through the adult vial technique has confirmed that tobacco budworm adults in Valle del Yaqui, Sonora, are susceptible to these compounds. The resistance levels measured as survivorship at the 10 µg/vial dosage, are lower than those reported from other areas in the United States of America. The values obtained early in the season increase as the season progresses and are dependent on the late season values of the previous year. In 1992 a sharp decrease in resistance was observed as the season progressed which is in agreement with a decrease in cotton hectareage in Valle del Yaqui and in all Mexico.

Reprinted from 1993 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 786 - 787
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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