Distribution of the Reniform Nematode in the United States and Associated Soil Types

C.M. Heald


The greatest distribution of the reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) outside the tropics is found in the United States. Usually it is found infecting cotton; however, it has a wide host range and causes economic injury to many species of crop plants. In 1990 the reniform nematode was reported to occur in 187 counties and parishes of 9 states, primarily in the South and Southeast. Within the last tow years infestations also have been reported in Missouri and Tennessee. Generally the reniform nematode is found in finely textured soils, but it also occurs in soils with high sand content in some areas.

Reprinted from 1993 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pg. 220
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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