Twelve elite PD germplasm lines were evaluated for tolerance to Helicoveipa zea (cotton boll worm), Hoplolaimus columbus (Columbia lance), Meloidogyne incognita (root-knot nematode), and Rotylenchulus renifomis (reniform nematode) under field conditions. PD lines evaluated included 5246, 5256, 5286, 5300, 5377, 5380, 5529, 5358, 5363, 5472, 5576, and 5582. Commercial cultivars were included in each test for comparison. Tolerance indices were calculated as (nontreated yield/treated yield)*100. Bollworm evaluations were conducted in 1991 and 1992. Each cultivar was replicated 3 times in paired 16 row plots with eight rows treated for foliar feeding insects and 8 rows left nontreated for foliar feeding insects. Mean lint yields were 888 lb/A treated vs 479 lb/A nontreated in 1991. Mean lint yields were 378 lb/A treated vs 128 lb/A nontreated in 1992. In both years DES 119, PD 5380, PD 5377, and PD 5286 had four of the five highest tolerance indices. PD 5582 and PD 5256 were in the top five in 1991 and 1992, respectively. Nematode tests were conducted using a similar split-plot design. In 1990 PD 5363, PD 5246, PD 5582, PD 5286, PD 5300, and PD 5256 were tested in two-row plots in fields heavily infested with either Columbia lance or reniform nematodes. Mean treated lint yields were 626 lb/A vs 382 lb/A nontreated in the Columbia lance nematode field. Mean lint yields were 333 treated and 193 nontreated in the reniform field. No culivar exhibited greater than a 67% tolerance index in the Columbia lance were field or 68% in the reniform field. In 1992 all twelve PD lines were evaluated in four-row plots in fields infested with moderate levels of Columbia lance and root-knot plots in fields infested with moderate levels of Columbia lance and root-knot nematodes. Mean lint yields were 777 lb/A treated vs 664 lb/A nontreated in the Columbia lance nematode field. Tolerance indices ranged from 59 to 121%. DES 119, PD 5582, PD 5358, PD 5377, and PD 5363, PD 5576, and Deltapine 90 had the five lowest tolerence indices. PD 5472, PD 5529, DES 119, PD 5300, PD 5246, and Deltapine 5415 had the five highest tolerance indices. PD 5377, PD 5576, PD 5363, Deltapine 90, and highest tolerance indices. PD 5377, PD 5576, PD 5363, Deltapine 90, and PD 5472 had the five lowest tolerance indices. DES 119, PD 5380, PD 5286, PD 5582, and PD 5256 all appeared to exhibit relatively high tolerance indices to bollworm, Columbia lance and root-knot nematodes. These levels of tolerence were not high enough to eliminated the use of appropriate pesticides where pest levels were above damage thresholds. The tolerance levels may be high enough to reduce the pest damage threshold, or to enhance the economic returns on pesticides used compared to intolerant cultivars.