Affect Cotton Seedling Disease, Stand, Yield and Fiber Quality

K.M. El-Zik, C.R. Howell, P.M. Thaxton, and A.D. Brashears


Gliocladium virens (GL-21) was evaluated as a granular in-furrow fungicide. Trials were conducted at eight mid-south locations. Two planting dates, early and late, were established at each location. Terraclor® 10G was applied at the rate of 10 lb/A. GL-21 was applied at two rates (3 and 5lb/A), either alone or in combination with Terraclor granules at 5lb/A.

GL-21 alone did not provide consistent improvements in stand counts. The addition of Terraclor 10G (5 lb/A) to GL-21 (3lb/A) resulted in stand counts that were comparable to Terraclor alone. There was an indication that GL-21 was more effective under high moisture conditions. Treatments made at the early planting date tended to improve stand counts more than those made at later planting dates.

Reprinted from 1993 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 192 - 193
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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