Experiments were conducted in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia during 1991 to evaluate crop tolerance and weed control with management systems utilizing MON 13211 compared with standard herbicide programs for conventionally-planted and no-till cotton. Little to no crop injury was observed with MON 13211 applied preplant incorporated or preemergence. When injury was observed, it was temporary. Under weed-free conditions, MON 13211 at rates up to 0.6 lb ai/A applied preplant incorporated or preemergence had no effect on cotton growth or yield. MON 13211 at 0.30lb/A applied preplant incorporated or preemergence provided excellent control of Texas panicum. Control of large crabgrass was good to excellent, with preemergence applications providing 5 to 13% greater control than Preplant incorporated applications. Preplant incorporated applications of MON 13211 suppressed Eclipta and common lambsquarters while preemergence applications provided good control.MON 13211 provided no control of sicklepod or yellow nutsedge, poor control of coffee senna (40%), and very poor control of redroot pigweed (10 to 20%). Weed control and cotton yield with systems utilizing MON 13211 plus fluometuron (Cotoran) were similar to those with trifluralin (Treflan) plus fluometuron in conventionally-planted cotton or with pendimethalin (Prowl) plus fluometuron or metolachlor (Dual) plus Cotoran in no-till cotton.