Cotton was commercially grown in a uniform field in the Texas High Plains Area and stripper harvested by two methods to obtain bales with low and high bark concentrations. Bark content was determined by manual extractions from 25-gram samples of raw stock. Five mixes were prepared from the low and high bark cottons as follows: (1) 100% low bark, (2) 75% low bark/25% high bark, (3) 50% low bark/50% high bark, (4) 25% low bark/75% high bark, (5) 100% high bark. The five mixes were processed through standard textile opening, cleaning, carding, drawing, and rotor spinning to determine the effect of each mix (and thus varying bark levels) on processing efficiency and yarn quality. Bark content did not significantly affect yarn quality but processing efficiency was affected. Data indicate that ends down in spinning increase approximately 60% for each 1% increase in bark content of raw cottons.