Problems associated with soil compaction have led to interest in investigating the interactive effects of tractor traffic and tillage systems an cotton production. A field study was initiated in 1987 on a Typic Hapludult with a well developed tillage pan to study the effects of traffic and tillage systems on crop performance in a wheat-cotton double-crop system.A wide frame tractive vehicle (WFTV) that allows for 20ft. wide, untrafficked research plots was utilized to double-crop cotton "McNair 220" with wheat "Coker 9733'. The experimental design was a split-plot with 4 replications. Main plots were: 1) conventional traffick and 2) zero-traffic. Subplots were tillage systems for cotton: 1) complete surface tillage without subsoiling, 2) complete surface tillage and annual in-row subsoiling (16-inch depth), 3) complete surface tillage with one time only complete disruption of tillage pan, and 4) no surface tillage, but planted with in-row subsoiling (strip-tillage). An additional split treatment of 4 N rates (0, 40, 80, and 120 lb N/A) was added in 1990. Late planting limited seed cotton yields in 1987 and 1988. Neither traffic nor tillage had an effect on yields in 1987 or 1989. There was a significant traffic X tillage interaction on seed cotton yield in 1988. In row subsoiling resulted in maximum seed cotton yield (1580 lb/A) in zero-traffic plots and lowest yield (1140 lb/A) in trafficked plots. In 1990, both seed cotton yield and total N uptake was increased with conventional traffic. Neither tillage system nor N application rate had a significant effect on seed cotton yield. Results indicate that both traffic and tillage system effects are strongly dependent on weather conditions during the growing season. Tractor traffic influenced cotton response to the tillage system and had both positive and negative effects on yield.