The Effects of Aqueous Bracts Extracts from Several Varieties of Cotton on the Behavior of Airway Smooth Muscle and Platelets

J.A. Russell, M.L. Gilberstadt, and M.S. Rohrbach


We tested the ability of aqueous extracts from several varieties of cotton bracts to: 1) contract isolated canine airways, and 2) cause 5-HT release from human platelets. With regard to airway contractions, the order of effectiveness was: Lambright GL-4 = Early Cot WR - LX-571 >Acala SJ-2 = Coker 310 green bract; >>Coker 310 brown bracts = 0. With regard to 5-Ht release from platelets, the order of effectiveness was: LX571 = Acala SJ-2 >Lambright GL-4 = Coker 310 green bracts >Early Cot WR >>Coker 310 brown bracts. We conclude that the concentration of the bronchoactive and platelet active factors varies considerably among bracts obtained from different varieties of cotton. Furthermore, bracts containing a high concentration of the bronchoactive factor do not necessarily contain a high concentration of the platelet active factor and vice-versa.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1983 Beltwide Cotton Dust Conference pp. 90 - 92
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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