Karate lEc and .6EC were evaluated on cotton at 0.02, 0.025, and 0.03 lb ai/A for the control of Heliothis in GA, AL, FL, and MS. Baythroid 2EC at 0.028 lb ai/A, Asana XL .66EC at 0.03 lb ai/A, and scout X-tra .9EC at 0.018 lb ai/A were included as standards. Small plot trials were replicated four times in a RCB design. Data were recorded as % larvae and % worm damaged squares 3 days after treatment. Summary of 13 evaluations within these trials showed no statistical differences between the two Karate formulations. However, the .6EC appeared to be slightly more active that the 1EC on heliothis. No statistical differences were observed in comparisons between karate formulations and the standard insecticides for % live worms. However, Karate .6EC provided the lowest mean rating followed by Karate 1EC, Baythroid, Scout X-tra, and Asana XL, respectively.