Effects of Early Season Aphid Infestations on Cotton Yield and Quality under Dryland Conditions in the Texas Coastal Bend

R.D. Parker and R.L. Huffman


Two separate tests in 1989 and 1990 were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of systemic soil and foliar insecticides for control of heavy early season aphid infestations and to determine the effects of the various treatments on earliness, lint production and cotton fiber characteristics. In 1989, Orthene, Bidrin and three rates of Metasystox-R were compared. In 1990, granular Temik and Thimet applied at-planting, Temik applied at cultivation, and an overspray of Metasystox-R were compared. All treatments reduced aphid numbers, except Temik at cultivation, which was applied after aphid counts were made. Significant differences between treatments in yield, earliness or fiber quality were not found in either test. A numerical trend existed for increased yield in treated plots.

Reprinted from 1991 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 702 - 704
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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