44th Annual Conference Report on Cotton Insect Research and Control

D.D. Hardee and G.A. Herzog


In 1990, there were approximately 11.5 million acres of cotton (upland and pima) harvested in the U.S. with an average yield of 1.3 bales (480-lb bales) per acre amounting to a 15.4 million bale production (see R. B. Head, these proceedings). Harvested acreage and total production increased over 20% in 1990 compared with 1989, and yield remained approximately the same.

Arthropod pests reduced yield by an estimated 6.4% in spite of control measures. This amounted to a loss of over 900,000 bales from potential yield resulting in an estimated loss in revenue of $273 million. The beltwide average cost per acre for controlling arthropod pests was $30.67, and the total cost for controlling these pests was $354 million. Thus, the estimated total cost of arthropod pests to USA cotton production in 1990 was $627 million (see R. B. Head, these proceedings).

Reprinted from 1991 Proceedings Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 583 - 601
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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