Field Evaluation of Color/Trash Meters for Cotton Gins: A Progress Report

W. Stanley Anthony


Laboratory research has shown that color/trash meters similar to those used in the cotton classing in the united States can be used in the gin to monitor and control the gin process. In 1989, two Motion Control, Inc. Color/Trash meters installed at a commercial gin at Burdette, MS. One meter was intalled above the extractor-feeder while the was installed in a specially constructed device that extracted lint from the lint flue, measured its color and, then returned the lint to the lint flue. Initial and daily calibration of the meters was accomplished by using standard manufacturers techniques which included the use of a black box, a color tile, and a trash tile for references. The intent of the initial evaluation was to establish the durability of the meters and their ability to sustain operation in the harsh gin environment.

Reprinted from 1990 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pg. 681
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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