Grower awareness of the critical importance of early maturity and a timely harvest has resulted in a shortening of the harvest season in terms of calendar days and an increase in the number of acres per picker per year. When the price of an input increases, growers tend to use less of that input. Recent increasing picker prices were expected to result in lengthening the harvest season. However, the harvest season has been shortened. And, while the calendar days associated with cotton harvest inthe Midsouth have been shortened, the acres per pickerhas increased. Increases in the acres per picker and the shortening of the harvest season are associated with improved ground speed, advanced technology in seed cotton handling systems, and increased awareness by growers relative to the importance of a timely harvest. And, the subsequent management of the cotton crop for early maturity and an early harvest initiation date. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998