An Economic Analysis of Lint Weight and Fiber Properties by Fruiting Position

Diana M. Danforth, Mark J. Cochran, J.R. Phillips, John Bernhardt, and Jack Haney


This is a status report on research investigating the relationship between fruiting position, lint weight, fiber properties and market values for mid-south cotton. Data are from cotton plant mapping and subsequent HVI fiber property tests of harvestable bolls from three fields, two of Stoneville 825 in 1981 and one of Stoneville 506 in 1983. Value was calculated using 1989 base price for Memphis and the CCC discount system. Fruiting position had a significant effect on all boll characteristics, although it generally explained only 20 to 35 percent of variation. Lower lint weight per boll was observed at higher main stem positions and on outer branch nodes, and less value per pound for bolls on the highest main stem positions and branch nodes 3 and beyond. Therefore, proportion of lint yield and production value attributed to fruiting position was lower on the main stem and more concentrated on branch node 1 than observation of harvestable bolls alone would have indicated. Strength differed significantly by fruiting position. Its incorporation into a cotton classing system could increase the importance of fruiting position on value.

Reprinted from 1990 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 412 - 421
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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