Observations were made in early research with no-till cotton that it was more difficult to get an acceptable stand under no-tillage conditions than when conventional planting methods were used.Lower temperatures and higher moisture levels in undisturbed soil, partially covered by residue of previous crops, apparently created improved conditions for development of seedling diseases with subsequent stand loss. Soil fungicides applied at planting improved stands and, in many cases, made the difference between a stand (though sometimes sparse) and no stand at all. Research on the use of soil fungicides for controlling seedling diseases and improving stands in no-till cotton was begun at the University of Tennessee Milan Experiment Station in 1985. Soil fungicides did not improve stands or yields of cotton in conventionally tilled plots in 1985. In no-till plots, stands were greatly reduced in comparison to oonventional-tillage plots. Stands in no-till plots without soil fungicide treatment averaged less than 1 plant per 2 feet of row. Soil fungicides almost doubled the stand while use of soil fungicides in combination with systemic soil |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998