F2 from Hybrid Cotton Planting Seed: CB219; CB232; CB407, and CB 1135

Pat Holverson


Good morning, and welcome to the Beltwide Cotton Conference's New Developments Presentations; and thank you to Beltwide for allowing us to participate. I'd also like to welcome you to our discussion of one of the new opportunities for cotton growers for the decade of the '90's.

I am Pat Holverson, the General Manager for CHEMBRED, and I have been asked to talk to you today about our upcoming entry into the cottonseed market, with F2 from Hybrid Cottonseed, from CHEMBRED INC., a wholly owned subsidiary of American Cyanamid.

We will show you today where CHEMBRED (and F2 cottonseed) started, where we are currently, and what we think is in store for the industry.

Reprinted from 1990 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 111 - 112
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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