Post Directed Herbicides for Weed Control in Cotton

Ted Whitwell and S.M. Brown


Experiments were initiated in 1978 to establish base data in the evaluation of certain herbicides applied as a directed spray. Annual grasses, morningglories and prickly sida were the predominate weed species evaluated throughout the studies. Cotton injury was also recorded. Herbicides were applied to cotton that averaged seven to 10 inches tall and weeds that were 1/2 to 4" tall. Dickey fender type sprayer was used with two nozzles per row and herbicides were applied in 30 gallons of diluvent per acre. Visual evaluations were made at 18 and 42 days after treatment.

None of the evaluated herbicides provided 90% or greater control for annual grass at the early evaluation. At the later evaluation, Goal, Bladex, Bladex plus MSMA, Caparol plus MSMA and Probe plus MSMA provided 75% or greater annual grass control. Many combinations provided excellent early season morningglory control with Goal, Bladex, Bladex plus MSMA and Premerge 3 providing 75% or greater late season control. Prickly sida control of 90% or greater was obtained by Cotoran plus Premerge 3, Probe plus MSMA and Probe plus Premerge 3 at the early evaluation period. Late season evaluations indicated that only Probe plus MSMA and Bladex provided 75% or greater prickly sida control. Cotton injury of greater than 10% was observed for Goal, Blazer and Bladex at the early evaluation period.Later evaluations indicated no treatments causing 10% or greater injury.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1983 Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference pg. 240
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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