Operational Test of a New Drying Principle for Gins

William F. Lalor, George H. Abernathy, and S.E. Hughs


The performance of tower dryers was compared with the performance of the recently-introduced high-speed blowbox dryer at a California gin where two separate gin plants were available at the same location. Similar cotton was used for the tests in both gins. This paper deals primarily with two of seven tests that were performed - one at high temperature and the second at low temperature. Both drying systems performed adequately. We believe that the high-speed blow-box has potential that should be explored further because, given adequate residence time in the drying system, use of the blow-box principle might make it possible to accomplish necessary drying with reduced drying temperatures. Research shows that this goal is desirable because fiber properties are best preserved at low drying temperatures.

Reprinted from Proceedings: 1989 Beltwide Cotton Research Conferences pp. 537 - 540
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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