Evaluation of Infurrow Fungicide, Insecticide, and Starter Fertilizer Treatments for Effects on Early Season Cotton Pests and Yields

Kevin J. Ratchford, Eugene Burris, B.R. Leonard, and J.B. Graves


Infurrow sprays and granular applications with fungicides, insecticides and starter fertilizers were evaluated in northeast Louisiana during 1988. Treatments included two rates of Dithane Temik, Dithane + Ridomil + Temik, Ridomil + PCNB + Temik, two rates of Orthene and Monitor in combination with Terraclor Super-X (TSX), infurrow and surface applications of a starter fertilizer with and without TSX, Temik + TSX, Temik + TSX + starter fertilizer, TSX, and an untreated check. Thrips (immature and adult), aphids, plant height, stand, and leaf surface area were monitored during May. Treatments with Temik provided significant control of thrips and aphids. Observable stand loss occurred when a starter fertilizer was applied infurrow as compared to a surface application. Leaf area was significantly greater in treatments with Temik. Yields of Temik treated plots were numerically greater than the untreated check, however, the difference was not significant. The largest yield was observed with the combination of Temik + TSX + a surface application of starter fertilizer.

Reprinted from Proceedings: 1989 Beltwide Cotton Research Conferences pp. 293 - 295
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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