Controlling Hard-To-Kill Morningglories in Cotton

Robert M. Hayes


Morningglories (Ipomoea spp.) are estimated to cause approximately a $50 million annual loss to cotton producers through yield loss alone; not to mention losses in harvest efficiency or quality. No single herbicide is currently available that will provide season-long control. Morningglory emerging on July 1 can still produce viable seed before frost. Therefore, a systematic program utilizing soil-applied herbicides followed by postemergence-directed or postemergence over-top herbicides in conjunction with cultivation affords the best control of annual morningglories. Preplant incorporated dinitroaniline herbicides (Treflan or Prowl) followed by fluometuron (Cotoran) alone or in combination with norflurazon (Zorial) provide the best early season control and when followed by one or more timely postemergence-directed applications of methazole (Probe), oxyfluorfen (Goal), cyanazine (Bladex), or prometryn (Caparol), alone or in combination with MSMA can provide season-long control. Preliminary evaluation of new selective over-top herbicides indicates promise for morningglory control in cotton.

Reprinted from Proceedings: 1989 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 34 - 36
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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