Foliar Triggrr® and Soil Triggrr®, New Plant Growth Regulators to Increase Cotton Yields

Lawrence W. Parker and Peter L. Salk


Foliar TRIGGRR and Soil TRIGGRR are plant growth regulators, containing cytokinin, that increase cotton yields. The effects of these products have been studied in field tests carried out on more than 20 varieties of cotton in 62 locations in 10 states over a five year period. Foliar TRIGGRR increased cotton yields an average of 46 lbs lint/A when applied at recommended application rates and timings. Soil TRIGGRR increased cotton yields 72 lbs lint/A when applied at recommended application rates with recommended methods in soils containing less than 30% clay. Increased yields with Foliar TRIGGRR have been associated with the formation of larger bolls which contained both more lint and more seed. Both products have produced earlier maturation. Both Foliar TRIGGRR and Soil TRIGGRR are compatible with most other agricultural chemicals, and have produced best results in full fertilization programs. Laboratory and field studies with these products have demonstrated increased photosynthesis and macronutrient uptake. The use of these products lowers production costs and results in substantial increases in profitability for the grower.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1988: Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 101 - 104
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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