Evaluation of Anti-Cancer Properties of Aerosolized Endotoxin from Enterobacter agglomerans

John H. Larige and Jan L. Sykora


Endotoxin prepared from Enterobacter agglomerans isolated from cotton dust was aerosolized and evaluated using a mouse inhalation model. C57 BL/6J mice were injected in a lateral tail vein with Lewis lung carcinoma (LL/2), exposed to aerosolized endotoxin and treated for two and a half hours a day, five days a week. The results indicate that the inhaled endotoxin reduces lung cancer involvement in treated mice as compared with control animals. The anti-cancer activity of inhaled E. aqqlomerans endotoxin is similar to that produced by aerosolized Escherichia coli. These results support epidemiological evidence that endotoxin in aerosolized cotton dust inhibits lung cancer.

Reprinted from Cotton Dust: Proceedings-12th Cotton Dust Research Conference 1988 pp. 139 - 140
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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