The Potential Use of Synamones, Kairomones, and Pheromones in the Management of Enemies of Cotton Pests

S. Bradleigh Vinson


Parasitic insects can effectively manage pest problems but often fail to do so because they arrive too late and in Insufficient numbers to reduce the pest population below economic injury levels. We are beginning to develop a knowledge base that can eliminate these two problems. Further, semiochemical research could lead to the behavioral manipulation of select beneficials that could provide a more than adequate level of pest-suppression. The techniques include mass rearing, pre-release behavioral modification, and field behavioral manipulation. Field manipulation can involve odor (synamone) modification of the plant or the use of host kairomones to manipulate field behavior. The various ways that behavioral chemicals may someday provide pest management options are discussed.

Reprinted from 1988 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 217 - 218
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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