Four leaf shape near-isolines [normal, semi-okra (sea-island or sub-okra), okra, and super-okra] on each two genetic backgrounds (La. 213-613 and MD 65-11) were evaluated at nine environments (three locations at each of three years). Interactions of leaf shape x environment and leaf shape x genetic background were important for lint yield. Rankness of vegetative growth and the degree of self shading were important contributors to these interactions. The La. 213-613 genetic background was more favorably responsive to open canopy traits than the MD 65-11 genetic background. Okra leaf was the superior leaf shape on the La. 213-613 genetic background, ranging in yield from 98 to 126% of normal leaf and averaging 105% of normal leaf and 104% of sea-island (semi-okra) leaf over years and locations. Sub-okra (semi-okra) was the superior leaf shape on the MD 65-11 genetic background, ranging in yield from 81 to 112% of normal leaf and averaging 103% of normal leaf and 105% of okra leaf over years and locations. Super-okra was affected by environments more than the other leaf types; its yield was inferior to normal leaf in non-rank-growth environments but was equal or superior to normal leaf in rank-growth environments. We were unable to critically compare the two semi-okra types (sea-island/sub-okra) since they were on different genetic backgrounds. Super-okra leaf increased earliness of maturity on both genetic backgrounds, and okra leaf increased earliness on the La. 213-613 background. Small differences were observed among leaf isolines for other agronomic traits, the most serious being the shorter fiber and lower length uniformity ratio observed for super-okra leaf relative to its sister isolines.