MaxEmerge® 2 - Cotton Seed Metering and Planting Excellence

Gordon L. Salley


Precision planting of cotton seed has historically been hampered by the lack of a seed meter capable of accurately selecting individual acid-delinted cotton seeds. The wide variation in seed size and shape, in addition to demanding seeding rates and planting seeds has restricted seed meter advancements. Now, a unique vacuum seed meter is available from John Deere to meet these challenges. "Plateless" metering of cotton seed is combined with other significant planting improvements in the new MaxEmerge 2 Planter line. These planters provide the seed depth, spacing, and seed/soil contact control needed to maximize seedling emergence.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 129 - 130
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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