Ginning - Management Practices and Systems for Improved Fiber Quality

William D. Mayfield and William F. Lalor


Cotton ginning is a compromise. In order to get the maximum value from the seed cotton, the gin must be properly equipped and it must be expertly operated. Even modern gins equipped with state-of-the-art technology require operators to visually evaluate the quality potential of seed cotton based on their training and experience. The skilled ginners will then operate the gin to maximize returns to their customers, the producers. Research is underway to develop instrumentation systems to monitor factors that affect profit and control the ginning process, but they will not be available for several years. A good ginner with proper training and experience is still the most important link in maintaining the quality of cotton from the field to the mill!

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 118 - 120
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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