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Efficacy of Hill-Drop Applied Temik 15 G and Potential Cost Savings when coupled with New Technology Seed

John Van Duyn, J.R. Bradley, Jr., Ryan Jackson, Margery Ambrose and Ryan Kurtz


Tests were conducted to determine the relative effectiveness of hill-drop application of aldicarb (Temik 15 G), as compared to a normal-drill application pattern, and drill-application to hill-drop planted cotton seed. Hill-drop application of Temik 15 G to hill-drop seeded cotton was shown to be equal or better than drill-applied Temik 15 G (5 lbs/acre rate) at greatly reduced rates per acre. Drill-applied Temik 15 G was equally effective when applied to drill-seeded or hill-seeded cotton. A Temik 15 G placement experiment showed that distribution of this insecticide had to be no more than two inches from germinating seed or seedling to retain effectiveness. We hypothesize that hill-drop placement has great potential for reducing costs related to in-furrow-at-planting pesticides, seed-treatments, and expensive biotechnology seed.

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Document last modified May 20, 2002