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Reducing Herbicide-Induced Cotton Seedling Stress by Substituting Roundup for Conventional Herbicides on Roundup Ready Cotton and Adding Hopper-Box or In-Furrow Fungicides

G. L. Sciumbato and H. R. Hurst


Four herbicide and three fungicide regimes were evaluated on Roundup Ready cotton. Highest crop injury and seed cotton yield reductions occurred in the herbicide regimes which contained preplant, preemergence, or post emergence herbicides. Treatments which received a hopper-box or in-furrow fungicide in addition to a seed treatment had significantly higher stand counts. However, there was no significant differences in seed cotton yields. The Roundup treatments alone gave comparable control of weeds and were less expensive.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 2001 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 157 - 161
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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