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Development of farming systems that reduce input costs and increase yield is critical for the survival of row crop farmers in the southeastern United States. The potential economics of a 4-year rotation utilizing two years of Bahiagrass followed by 2 years of cotton or 2 years of Bahiagrass followed by peanuts and then cotton were examined. Costs and yield data were obtained from interviews with farmers, extension specialists, and researchers. Assuming an increase of 50% yield (from 650 lbs of seed cotton per acre to 975 lbs per acre), we would expect profits on a 200 acre farm to increase from about $7,000 per year in a continuous cotton program to over $22,000 per year in the sod-based rotation if the sod is not utilized, and over $33,000 per year if the grass is harvested and sold in square bales. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified XXXXXX, XXX XX 2001