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Research at the USDA-ARS ginning laboratory at Lubbock, Texas developed a new saw gin stand with a powered paddle roll turning the seed roll and rotating seed fingers regulating seed discharge. This gin produced up to 2.2 percent points higher turnout from the seed cotton compared to a modern high capacity gin stand. This yields approximately 7 percent more lint (35 pounds per bale) from the seed cotton. Fiber quality data from several tests shows the experimental gin produces slightly better staple length. The new gin stand has higher production rates per unit width and uses less power for ginning. Higher turnout and better fiber length will substantially benefit cotton producers. A cooperative research and development program has been initiated to investigate a number of gin stand design factors that were found to affect gin performance and cotton yield and quality. A patent was obtained through the USDA-ARS patent division for the paddle roll gin stand (U. S. Patent number 6,061,875). |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified XXXXXX, XXX XX 2001