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Regulation of Air Pollution from Cotton Gins

B. K. Fritz, B. W. Shaw and C. B. Parnell


The regulation of sources of air pollution has become more and more dependent upon the results of dispersion modeling with respect to maximum predicted off-property concentrations. When these predicted concentrations exceed the maximum ambient levels as defined by the state and EPA, the source is required to provide a solution that will result in lower predicted concentrations. This becomes difficult when the maximum ambient concentrations standards are extremely conservative and/or do not apply equally to all sources. This paper looks specifically at a cotton gin that cannot meet the required TSP (total suspended particulate) ambient levels based on modeling, due to inequitable enforcement of ambient standards.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 2001 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 1345 - 1347
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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