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Bollgard® Plus Roundup Ready® Cultivar Comparison in Southwest Georgia

Rome Ethredge, Jeff Nunnery and Wes Briggs


New transgenic varieties are coming at cotton growers faster than they can be evaluated. Southwest Georgia has confirmed Budworm resistance so Bollgard® technology is needed in most fields. Roundup Ready® technology is proving to be popular and beneficial to growers as well. Thus information needed the most by growers is local yield and quality information on new “Stacked” cultivars. Six cultivars were evaluated on-farm in the first year of this study in a replicated (3X), randomized test. The objective was to be able to provide growers with useful information concerning new “Stacked” cultivars. All performed well with some differences in yield and quality factors (Tables 1 and 2).

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 2001 Beltwide Cotton Conferences pp. 430 - 430
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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