Sure-Grow Seed, Inc. has developed two early-maturing Roundup Ready® (R), one early-maturing Bollgard® (B), and two early-maturing Bollgard®/Roundup Ready® (B/R) varieties to be introduced in the 1999 season. Sure-Grow 125R and Sure-Grow 125B/R were developed from recurrent parent Sure-Grow 125. Sure-Grow 501B/R was derived from recurrent parent Sure-Grow 501. DES119 served as the recurrent parent for Sure-Grow 585B and Sure-Grow 585R. Comparisons of the transgenic varieties with their recurrent parents suggest many similarities, although some key differences are evident. Lint yield comparisons with the leading Bollgard® and Roundup Ready® varieties in the southeast and mid-south regions indicate Sure-Grow's new transgenic varieties perform better than or as well as the leading transgenic varieties.