Technology, Management Practices and Costs of Cotton Production
Nora Brooks |
355 |
Cotton Yield Monitor Evaluation, South Carolina – Year 2
F.J. Wolak, A. Khalilian, R.B. Dodd, Y. J. Han, M. Keshkin, R.M. Lippert and W. Hair |
361 |
Field Testing of Cotton Yield Monitors
G.F. Sassenrath-Cole, S.J. Thomson, J. R. Williford, K.B. Hood, J. A. Thomasson, J. Williams and D. Woodard |
364 |
Preliminary Evaluation of Commercial Cotton Yield Monitors: the 1998 Season in South Georgia
J. S. Durrence, D. L. Thomas, C. D. Perry and G. Vellidis |
366 |
WinPET Irrigation Software
S. Hicks, R. Lascano and S. Orr |
372 |
Evaluation of Irrigation Interval on High Plains Cotton Production With LEPA Systems
James P. Bordovsky and William M. Lyle |
372 |
Drip vs. Furrow Irrigation of Cotton on Sandy Soil with 1/4 Mile Runs - Includes: Yield Monitoring, Remote Sensing, and Electronic Soil Survey
W.R. DeTar, S.J. Maas and G.J. Fitzgerald |
375 |
Cotton Response to Abrupt Change in Water Application
D. F. Wanjura and D. R. Upchurch |
380 |
The Effects of Tillage and Tape Depth Placement in Drip Irrigation System
A. Khalilian, M. J. Sullivan, R. R. Hallman and W.B. Smith |
384 |
Cotton Tillage Trials - Terrell County Georgia Stale Bed Planting
E. H. Wilson, M. Bader, T. Trice and P. Roberts |
387 |
Effects of Lowering Aerial Spray Boom on Spray Drift and Swath Width
W. C. Hoffmann and H. H. Tom |
388 |
Spray Droplet Penetration in Cotton Canopy Using Air-assisted and Hydraulic Sprayers
H.R. Sumner and G.A. Herzog |
390 |
Virtual Cotons, the Firstborn of the Next Generation of Simulation Model
E. Jallas, R. Sequeira, P. Martin, M. Cretenet, S. Turner and J. McKinion |
393 |
Integrating GIS into Precision Crop Management
D.C. Akins, J.L. Willers, J.M. McKinion, S.B. Turner, F.D. Whisler and J. Varco |
395 |
Computerized System in Cotton Harvester for Measurement of Seedcotton Yield
C.J. Fernandez |
399 |