Tests were conducted in 1997 to examine the benefits of including Temik 15G and Vydate C-LV for the management of the root-knot (Meliodogyne incognita) and reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) in a cotton production system. Nematode population development was followed by sampling plots monthly. Nematicide treatments included Temik 15G applied at 3.5, 5.0 and 7.0 lb per acre in the seed furrow at planting. Temik 15G was also applied as a sidedress application at 5.0 and 10.0 lb per acre in combination with 5lbs of Temik 15G at planing. Vydate C-LV was applied as a foliar spry at pin-head square and 14 days later in combination with Temik 15G at 3.5 lb per acre in the seed furrow. Cotton plants produced in all nematicide treated plots produced more bolls per plant with a greater total boll weight. Fruiting position of the first open cotton boll was produced on a lower node in the nematicide treated plots. Seed cotton yields were significantly greater in all plots which received Temik 15G compared with the untreated control. Vydate C-LV applied as a foliar spray in combination with Temik 15G improved seed cotton yields over Temik 15G alone.