Large on-farm replicated cotton tests were conducted in northern Alabama in 1995, 1996 and 1997 to determine rates and timing of nematicides needed to suppress damage by reniform nematodes. Results of the seven tests indicate that Temik 15G rates of 5 to 7 lb/A in-furrow are effective in reducing early season nematode damage on soil types in northern Alabama. These Temik rates increased seed-cotton yields between 300 to 500 lb/A compared to no nematicide. The foliar Vydate C-LV and sidedress Temik applications in combination with in-furrow Temik may also provide a way to extend nematode suppression later into the season. The Vydate and sidedressed Temik treatments generally increased cotton yields compared to Temik alone in-furrow. Rates and application methods for Vydate and sidedressed Temik should be studied more closely.