A study was conducted in West Tennessee on cotton under dryland conditions evaluating the impact of sequential applications of Miller Sol-U-Gro (0.6-2.4-0.015 ai or 5lbs product/ acre), Miller Cytokin, v/v proportional to the PIX (mepiquat chloride) rate, Miller 20-0-10wB (1-0-0.5-0.126S-0.3B ai or 5 lbs product) and Micro-Flo PGR-4 at 4 oz /acre over a base treatment of all University of Tennessee recommended practices for cotton production. COTMAN 97 was used, together with standard insect scouting, to time all applications. Pix was used as determined by COTMAN 97. Cytokin, Miller Sol-U-Gro, and Pix were applied at pinhead and matchhead square while 20-0-10wB was applied at early bloom and peak bloom with PGR-4 tank mix in the peak bloom aplication. The study was replicated five times with one replication each planted to BXN-47, DPL5409, STV132, PM1215, and PM1215RR. Each variety/rep was evaluated under the above treatment regime and plots were 25 acres each. All spray applications were made with ground custom application equipment at 10 gpa. Plots were harvested with standard spindle harvest equipment with twice over harvest. One full trailer or module was harvested per plot. The area harvested was measured after harvest to determine yield. Lint yield was determined following ginning.