The Advanced Fiber Information System (AFIS) evaluates fiber samples by measuring properties such as length, circularity, perimeter and nep count. Measurements of fiber parameters of four different fiber varieties that had previously been evaluated for white speck nep formation were carried out. Resulting values were examined to determine whether any AFIS measurements could predict white speck content of the samples that related to those values determined by image analysis on dyed fabrics. The fiber samples were also examined microscopically to determine whether fiber bundles initially present in the samples were separated and measured by the AFIS system. After evaluation, no AFIS data could be found to directly correlate with values found by image analysis. Scanning electron microscopy showed that fiber bundles initially present in the samples could also be found in the samples after AFIS analysis, indicting that the AFIS separation system did not separate fibers from the fiber bundles, and thus, the measured values did not include measurements of the flat fibers in the defect bundles.