Several methods of determining stickiness in raw cotton were evaluated. Although Thermodetector and sugar testing methods were evaluated, the primary emphasis of the evaluation was on the stickiness measurement of a Fiber Contamination Tester (FCT). During the evaluation, a large level shift in the stickiness measurement was experienced in the FCT following a hardware upgrade by the manufacturer. Repeatability in the FCT stickiness measurements was good within the one instrument following the upgrade. At a maximum capacity of one sample every forty five seconds, the FCT was found to easily process approximately 300 samples in a seven and one half hour shift (one replication per sample). Although more variable, the Thermodetector was found to correlate with the FCT. In the cottons tested, sugar tests did not show any correlation with the FCT or the Thermodetector. In addition to a set of known sticky cottons, a set of ordinary samples was tested by all methods to put the results of the sticky cotton set in perspective.